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Finanzwelt: The Alpine state – tranquil & traditional

von 20. February 2024March 13th, 2024Funds, HMTS, Schweiz Tresor Fund

Zurich, 20 February 2024. The Alpine country – tranquil & traditional

In a recently published article in Finanzwelt, Lenard von Stockhausen provides a fascinating insight into the new HMTS Switzerland Tresor Fund and the associated Swiss Fund Policy. Mr von Stockhausen visited us personally in Zurich in January 2024. We showed him our properties and were able to view the physical gold at our custodian bank.

Our latest fund combines the advantages of Switzerland through a combination of physical gold, Swiss equities and Swiss commercial property. Switzerland is known for its stability, security and financial expertise. These attributes make it an attractive destination for investors worldwide. The HMTS Schweiz Tresor Fund utilises these advantages to offer investors a unique and stable investment opportunity.

You can access the article directly at Finanzwelt and the interview with Mr Patricio from HanseMerkur is available as a video on LinkedIn.

About HMTS

HanseMerkur Trust Swiss (HMTS) has been established as an independent subsidiary of the HanseMerkur Group in Zurich since June 2023. With an annual turnover of EUR 2.6 billion in 2022, the HanseMerkur Group from Hamburg is characterised by financial stability and sustainable growth. As an asset management subsidiary in Zurich, HMTS received FINMA authorisation as an asset manager in 2023. With a clear focus on artificial intelligence, sustainability and the Swiss business location, HMTS currently manages three funds and offers its clients professional processes, individual support and lean organisational structures as an innovative asset manager. Further information can be found at